Developing web applications is hard because different things might happen on (so many) different browsers. I can assure you we fix bugs as soon as they are found. But sometimes users report behavior that we are unable to reproduce -- for lack of more details.
If you think you have found a bug in the FairSplit web application, we would really appreciate a detailed bug report.
From the problematic screen itself you can open a ticket by clicking the Support button at the lower right corner. Then please include this information in your report:
- The steps to cause the problem, so we can reproduce the bug.
- What you expected to happen after the above steps.
- What happened instead. Please include minutiae -- don't just say "it doesn't work".
Alternatively, you can send an email message to In this case you should also include:
- The page URL (copied from your browser's address bar on the page that exhibits the bug), or at least the page title and the number of your division.
- The name of your browser, its version number, and the name of your operating system. For example: "Chrome 40 on Windows 10".
To get the name and version of your browser, you would hit Alt in order to access the browser menu, go to the Help menu and select "About <name of the browser>". This usually displays a dialog box that contains the version number.
You can also create a ticket by clicking on Submit a request, but please don't forget to include the above information, without which we can't diagnose and fix the problem.