Division administration
Documentation for division administrators
- About the administrator role
- Do you have a sample letter that can be sent to heirs explaining FairSplit and our intent to use it to divide the estate?
- How do you change the name of a division or inventory?
- How do I upload a division image?
- How do you delete a division or inventory?
- Can I create a new distribution label?
- What happens if I manually assign an asset to a divisee?
- After a round has started, can one add, change or remove assets from it?
- How does an administrator create an AR round?
- How does an administrator create an EV round?
- How does an administrator create an SO round?
- How can I add assets to an active Asset Review round?
- Can I run only a subset of the inventory in a certain round?
- As a division administrator, can I create a test divisee account to see what the user experience is for divisees?